I have spent my lifetime in the health and wellness arena, starting out as a young child being an athlete and a team player in various sports such as swim team, down hill ski club, tennis team, as well as enjoying biking & hiking, and all other outdoor activities. I have also been a long-distance runner for over 24 years. I have enjoyed the wonderful privilege to have traveled the world and in doing so, I have observed, studied and learned about the health habits, cultures and practices of people in the many countries I have traveled to. I was able to experience a wide range of foods and the different food preparations, traditions and their health benefits from my travel, and from my own self-taught practice, and 15-year plus study of the holistic health approach and lifestyle. I long concluded that our foods are our true natural medicine. We really are what we eat and our personal aging is relative to the practice of a healthy holistic lifestyle. I am living proof of this.
My expertise lies in one of my most sought after services, which is how to shop for and read food labels, as well as understanding what we are consuming, how to maximize our foods to work for us and how our foods stop aging in its tracks when we make the right choices. Combing those choices with an active healthy lifestyle will in turn create a remarkable difference in all other areas of our lives.
I show my clients how to food shop, stock their pantries, prepare and cook their meals in an all natural absolute delicious way they never knew could be done. I work with all budgets as well, to provide a max living, fully-healthy lifestyle that everyone deserves to live. I continually preach "When you feel well, You will do well!!!" The only true wealth is living in optimal health.
I have been a featured guest writer in The Atlanta Best Self Magazine, The Eco Review and The National Black and Latino Council Newsletter. I also have been a guest health specialist panel speaker on local Radio and a guest Health & Wellness expert speaker for Utopia Spa, ROC House Fitness and The Pink Power Mastermind Conference for women. I also follow the philosophy that "I can show you better than I can tell you." I live my life by example, illustrating my practice and my discipline of continually living out a holistically healthy and glowing life of wellness. I will infect all who come into contact with me with a positive shot of my true joy in just living out our healthiest and wealthiest lives.